Sunday, May 13, 2012

Post-Op Day 5

Well, I've had to eat prunes for the first time in my life.  They aren't as bad as I thought they would be, but I'm okay with never having to eat them again.  I followed them up with some Ghirardelli chocolate caramel squares.  lol!  Apparently, my pain medication (a narcotic) has a certain "side effect" and everyone is telling me I have to eat prunes to overcome it.  Ugh!  I will keep the remaining details to myself on whether they are successful.  lol!

I'm still not able to sit up without help.  It is getting a little annoying actually.  I hate having to call for help.  If I'm in a sitting position I can get up and down alone, but if I lay down it is just too painful to get myself up.  I believe it is the expander pushing on the muscle that is causing the pain, but I'm not sure.  This morning when I first woke up my mom tried to help me out of bed, but I was in extreme pain.  Kevan had to bring me extra pain meds and we had to wait for them to kick in before I could move.  It was probably the most pain I've ever experienced.  I thought for sure my chest had ripped open, but of course, that wasn't the case.  It just felt like it.  Thank goodness.

We had a nice Mother's Day with my mom and my mother-in-law who visited.  I even received a present (I will go into more detail about it tomorrow, but tonight I'm too tired).  I slept a lot more today than I have the last 2 days.  Usually Mother's Day brings a lot of sadness to me (due to our infertility issues), but with all of the pain medication I didn't really have a chance to think about it too much because my brain is so cloudy.  Which is good.

Well....I'm going to go to bed.  I'm praying for two great ladies from church who are dealing with a lot of sadness right now.  My cancer is a small thing compared to the pain they are going through.  I'm glad that God has brought them into my church family so I can pray for them and ask Him to be their comforter.

Love you all.


  1. God's got this.. It will be plain soon.

  2. Jayde, thank you for sharing all this with us. You are so brave and your courage is inspiring and points me toward Christ. Thank you for your honesty. We are with you, dear sister, every step of the way. Praying for you.

  3. How are you this evening dear Jayde? I just want you to know we are lifting you up and I included you in our bible study prayer list again this week=many prayers are being lifted up. Please do not be discouraged, but hang onto His strength in your weakness. He has big shoulders and is able, more than able. Trust Him sweet sister and take those pain meds . I love you xoxoN
