I started having horrible back pain last night. I tried to sleep, but I got up twice trying to come up with ideas on how to help it. I tried taking a hot bath. It helped while I was in the bath, but I still had the pain when I got out. I didn't want to take any pain medication because I didn't want a sick stomach, but I finally broke down and took an Aleve last night. It took the edge off and I slept until 6am this morning.
When I got up this morning I seemed okay. I ate a little of a leftover Sonic breakfast burrito that Kevan bought me for dinner on Friday night (I was craving it and a strawberry milkshake last night). At about 9am I was in horrible pain and I was having to spend a lot of my time in the bathroom with terrible spams. Let's just say most of my day I have been moaning, crying, laying on the bathroom floor, trying to find relief in a hot bath and just plain laying on the couch praying. It has been a horrible day. I am still having bad back pain, but the spasms have gotten better. Aleve only takes the edge off...the pain is still there. I can't take Ibuprofen as it hurts my stomach and I don't want to take anything strong because I get dizzy and nauseous. I don't want to go through this ever again. I am already dreading the next chemo treatment on 7/17.
I had some oatmeal for lunch (I didn't finish it) and a few crackers. Kevan went out and bought rotisserie chicken for dinner and he made me a baked potato. I was able to eat it. I ate very little chicken though. I'm scared to eat. I can't wait to have relief from this back pain. It is so bad. I am thankful that my jaw pain is better today and my tongue is not as swollen/painful. I still have the rash on my chest and have noticed a few more red dots showing up in other places. Not sure what that is about. I'm also very weak. A few times Kevan has had to help me. I didn't even want to do this blog post because it takes so much energy to pick up my laptop and to type. That is how weak I feel. :o(
My mother-in-law arrived here last night to help me if I needed her. I sure needed her! She helped clean up my house for me. She even cleaned out the fridge and freezer. When Kevan and I were gone in Nashville for my chemo this week something happened and the freezer door was left open. So, when we got home late that night everything had defrosted. We had to throw out all of the meat and anything else that seemed bad. She was very gracious to clean it for me (including melted ice cream all over the freezer) and take away the mess with her. She also preserved 10 pounds of snap beans that someone gave us because if we waited too much longer they would've been in bad shape. Judy...I am so thankful for you. I know this isn't how you wanted to spend your weekend, but you are so wonderful. I really needed you. The house looks great, fridge & freezer look new and I appreciate you so much! I already miss you. :o)
So, what else am I thankful for today? I would have to say, indoor plumbing! Back in April our toilets broke (actually it happened on my birthday) and a friend from church and my father-in-law came over to help. They dug out our yard....got very dirty...put new pipes in...and fixed our toilets! Best birthday present ever! lol! I am sooooo thankful for them. You cannot go through chemo without indoor plumbing....it would be unbearable. Also, I'm thankful that there is a wall on the side of our toilet. Funny, I didn't notice it before. lol! But, when you are so sick you can hardly sit up it is nice to lean on the wall. I never needed it before today, but I'm glad it was there for me. :o)
Please pray for my back pain and also that my white blood cells
do not drop too bad. They were already low when I started chemo Tuesday
(lower than the normal levels) so I am scared I will have to get a shot
on Thursday (7/7). I have heard from a number of people that the shot
causes a lot of bone pain. I don't want bone pain too. :o(
God's still got this. He brought you this far, He won't leave you now.
ReplyDeletePraying for you! You are a hero! God is your Champion! and He will fight this battle for you as well!
ReplyDeleteDear Jayde--missed seeing your smile today. So sorry to hear you aren't up to par--that's putting it mildly, of course. The extreme weakness and pain you have can most likely be attributed to the Taxotere. When you have your next doctor visit, PLEASE be honest about just how you have been feeling, how the supplementary drugs made you feel, etc. Very important to eat when you are able--sometimes force a little if it doesn't make you nauseous. High protein is a good choice if you can get it down--protein is very necessary for healing.
ReplyDeleteLove you, and we are both praying for you as you go through this. JOY
ReplyDeleteHang in there girl!! Tommy and I continue to remember you and Kevan in our daily prayers. God will see you through this so try your best to keep your head up and stay positive. Lova ya',