Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Praise and Weight Loss/Diet Update

I have a huge praise.  Some of you may remember that about 6 months before I was diagnosed with breast cancer Kevan and I had decided to try and get custody of an 11-year-old boy from foster care and maybe adopt him someday.  Well, we went through all of the preparations (foster parenting classes, home study, lawyer, etc) and then I found out I had cancer.  The day of our custody court date was actually the same day that I had my mastectomy.  Anyway, I found out that he is being adopted!  I am so excited for him that he has found a good home.  They are a great Christian family and already have children so he will also have older siblings.  They all love sports and spend a lot of time doing family activities.  Many of you were praying for him (and us) and God took care of the situation and provided him a good home.  Although, I still would love God to bless us with a child (foster, adopted or biological) someday.  I'm still praying for a miracle! 

Weight Loss/Diet
I've lost 4 pounds so far on my diet.  I know it isn't much, but it is very encouraging to get on the scale and see it a 1/2 a pound less almost everyday!  I've had a few people comment on how I should not be on a diet already or "why are you dieting?  You don't need to lose weight".  To answer the 2nd question...I may not look like I need to lose weight to you, but I do not feel like myself.  Before my surgery in May my legs did not rub up against each other when I walked.  This DRIVES ME NUTS.  Also, I didn't sit down and have a roll at the top of my jeans.  This also drives me nuts.  I want to feel more like the pre-cancer Jayde.  I know I can't fix my scars, breasts, etc....but I do have control over my weight and this is something I want to do.  I want to fit back into the clothes I've warn for years and not have to move up 2 sizes!  Also, I'm not able to wear my wedding rings anymore because my fingers are too big I really need to lose the weight so I can put them back on again!  I don't want to have them re-sized.  :o(

Now, to answer their first comment, "you shouldn't be on a diet already".  I'm not really on a "diet".  I want it to be a lifestyle.  As I was laying around recovering from chemo I watched many cancer and overall health documentaries.  Each of them spoke on the diet of people today.  Some mentioned the "caveman" or "paleo" diets so I started doing some research.  I just want to go back to when people ate whole foods.  Foods that didn't contain chemicals, preservatives, processing, etc.  They grew it and ate it.  It didn't go to some factory to be processed and changed from it's original form.  So, basically this isn't a "diet" but something I want to move to over time.

I'm looking into finding organic grass-fed meats in our area.  My father-in-law now has chickens for us to get eggs.  I want to eat lots of organic veggies and we already grind our own organic wheat.  I will be staying away from anything that contains sugar though.  If it's been sweetened with honey or maple syrup I'm all for it, but I don't need the over-processed sugary foods.  I've read a lot of testimonies from people that were diabetic, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol that changed to this way of eating and they no longer have any of those health issues anymore.  I've had cancer...I don't want to have it again.  This is a big motivation for me and I hope I can do it.  Now, I love I am going to find a way to get my "fix"....but until then I will try to refrain.  :o(

I'm doing pretty good so far.  I haven't cheated.  Also, the first few weeks of this new way of eating I'm staying away from white potatoes and wheat.  I will introduce them in a few weeks.  This may sound hard, but it isn't.  It just requires planning.  Although, I have yet to find ANY fast food I can eat.  :o(  So, if we go on a road trip it is really going to take some planning.  Kevan is getting a little annoyed with my diet when we go out because there are so many places I can't eat.  Mexican works...I just get fajitas.  Salads work too, but dressings become a problem.  I haven't figured it all out yet and who knows how long I'll be able to eat like this without throwing it to the curb for a Arby's Roast Beef and fries.  Or a big chocolate ice cream cake.  I'll just keep praying that God will help me.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  I've started to work on something that has been on my heart for some time...a local breast cancer support if you think about it...please pray for me as I want to be a light and hope to those ladies around me that need support as they go through the same journey.  I'm not yet sure how I'm going to go about it, but I've started to type out some things, started a presentation and keep thinking up various ideas.  But, hopefully one day it will be a blessing to someone.


  1. Dear Jayde, even though I'M not small by any means, I have had many small friends. They usually feel the weight gain more so than others, because they are so used to being little. I know how I feel with a roll over my jeans that never used to be there--U G H!!!! Bless you as you get more and more comfortable. So happy things are getting back to normal for you--you even sound more encouraged in your messages. Be blessed--Love, JOY

    P.S. You just might HAVE to "throw it to the curb" one day now and then and go to Arby's!!!

  2. I am so glad you are doing well and getting back to a more normal life. I think it is great that you are changing your eating habits. I have done a lot of reading (like you have) on our eating habits and how we have to get back to eating whole foods. Lots of raw organic vegetables, juicing, organic eggs + meat etc. I really think we need to eat like that to stay healthy. Since you are dealing with cancer and had chemo you probably need to stay pretty strict in the beginning to "clean" you body, but later you can "cheat". And the benefit to all this...weightloss. Hurrah!!! :o)
    Several weeks ago I told you about the website I don't know if you ever had a chance to look at it. It has a LOT of great information- support from others with cancer, recipes, vitamin supplements etc. I will continue to pray for you. Praise God that you have done well so far.
    In Christ,
    Tina Zima (from St. Andrews)
