"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Normally, I don't start my posts out with scripture, but today I felt like I needed to. Two things have really been speaking to my heart this week. First, the scripture above. I am nearing the end of my treatment and looking toward to my new title of "cancer survivor". I am thinking back through everything I've been through, seeing the many ways God worked in my life. I believe He has allowed me to have complete healing, He has shown me the joy that comes from those that care, pray, give gifts, give time and just love on me. It is amazing how loved I have felt through this journey. Also, I've been changed. Not just on the outside with my scars and reconstruction, but my heart has been changed. I've been changed on the inside and I am so thankful for it. When I read through the Bible in a year I remember praying a prayer the entire time I read it. It was a certain prayer that I can see playing out in my life right now. Little by little. It is funny because I prayed the prayer a "certain way" and was kind of specific and God is answering it in a totally different way than I could have prayed myself. But, a better way. I hope one day soon I will let you know what this prayer was and tell you how God molded me and made me more bold in my faith in order to answer this prayer. I'm still waiting for it to all unfold. But, I read the verse above during one of my quiet times this week and it really spoke to my heart. Make sure as you are going through something that you watch to see how God is changing you inwardly throughout the struggle. Pray and ask God to help you stay focused on the eternal glory and not just the daily struggle. This life is but a blink of an eye compared to eternity with Him. Our focus needs to be on what is unseen.
The second thing that has been speaking to my heart this week is a quote by Ravi Zacharias. I love Ravi. He is an amazing evangelist from India with a wonderful story. I have read many of his books and listened to a number of his sermons (in person and on the computer). He recently did an interview with Ligonier ministries and they printed it in their monthly magazine, Tabletalk. Anyway, they asked Ravi, "What are the two most important ministry lessons you have learned in the past decade?"...this is what he said:
"The hardest lessons I’ve learned are, one, how important it is to have the right people around you, and two, to learn to face criticism and opposition (oftentimes from those who should be more understanding) without allowing it to sidetrack you from your closeness to the Lord and His call. When you’re doing very little, nobody will bother you. But when you are making an impact, the Enemy of our souls finds ready emissaries to take aim at you. It goes with the calling. Keep close to the Lord and don’t let the critics dent your calling that a gracious and sovereign God has shaped."
When I first started this blog I was trying to decide how I was going to go about telling my journey. Should I talk about God? Should I mention Jesus? What about certain personal things? Would people be offended if I discussed religion? I know many people that have blogs and they try to keep religion and politics out of it as not to offend. Through prayer, I realized that without God, Jesus and religion it wasn't about me. It was just a blog shell of some anonymous person with breast cancer. My daily life IS about God, Jesus Christ and the Word of God and without these things it wouldn't be a blog about Jayde. So, I decided to be honest and to tell whatever was in my heart. I have received a few comments since I started this blog. People that didn't agree with me or were upset that I posted verses or talked about the Lord, but in the end...I know I made the right decision. Their criticism or opposition was minimal compared to how many hearts may be changed, comforted or lifted up due to my openness. So, if you are offended.....I'm not sorry. lol! This is about my life and my struggle...and that is what is in my heart. My little blog has had over 13,000 hits in the past 4 months. That is crazy! My prayer from the beginning was that this blog will be a help to those that are living through a breast cancer diagnosis and that every woman (or man) would realize how much help the Lord is, to allow Him to walk with them through the journey and to be changed in the end.
Okay, now that I have said what my heart needed me to say. lol! I am doing really really well! I am actually looking forward to my last treatment in 4 days! Yes, I said "LAST TREATMENT"!! I am still tired in the afternoons and have some foot and hand issues, but other than I am doing really well this treatment. :o)
Also, not related to my blog, but to how Kevan and I fell in love...if you are single and looking to find a spouse....Ravi Zacharias has a wonderful series called "I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebekah". Also, I believe he talks about it in his interview, here. It is even a good series for those that are married. I might have to talk Kevan into going through it with me again...just to bring back the dating memories of when we listened to the sermons together. I loved the audio version. I don't think there was a book then so it would be fun to go through it. His book "Walking from East to West" is also a great book about his life. I listened to the audio version and loved it.
Love you all and I pray you will all be blessed this weekend! To God be the Glory!
Jayde, thanks for this post. It truly revealed your heart. When you walk the path that we have chosen, our lives ARE about God--everything about us. Like you said, there wouldn't be postings about the real Jayde without mentioning God--you are His princes and your life is about serving Him!
ReplyDeleteRemembering that tomorrow is your LAST TREATMENT--YEAH!!!! Praying for the manifestation of His grace in your life, as always. Love, JOY
Thank you Joy! Thank you for remembering. It is tomorrow and I am looking forward to it and praising God that it is the last one!! :o) YEAH!!!!! Love you! Jayde